Legal Notice

The following information is provided in accordance with statutory provisions for the business purpose of concluding contracts with our customers in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions.

Contracting Party

orderbird GmbH

Ritterstraße 12, Ste. 3
D-10969 Berlin

Visitors staircase: Glass elevator at the parking lot or stairway 3

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +49 30 208 983 099
Fax: +49 321 214 681 89

Company HQ: Berlin
Court of registration:
District Court Berlin - Charlottenburg
Registration number:
HRB 248568 B

Management Board:
David Feichter, Peter Helf c/o orderbird GmbH, Ritterstraße 12, Ste. 3, 10969 Berlin

Responsible for journalistic-editorial content as defined in § 55 section 2 RStV:
Benjamin Schweiger, c/o orderbird GmbH, Ritterstraße 12, Ste. 3, 10969 Berlin