Specification of Services orderbird Pro / orderbird POS
Scope of application
orderbird GmbH ("orderbird" or "Manufacturer") provides the following services to the customer within the scope of the existing technical and operational possibilities, insofar as these are agreed with the customer. The General Terms and Conditions of orderbird apply to the agreed services.
The present service description is limited to the service status at the time of publication and does not have the character of an assurance or guarantee.
1. orderbird POS (orderbird PRO)
2. orderbird MY
3. services
4. hardware
orderbird POS (orderbird PRO)
1.1 Description
orderbird POS is a gastronomic POS application that can be obtained as an iOS app via the Apple Appstore. It is operated by the respective user via the interface of the mobile devices from the manufacturer Apple Inc. The software is intended for use in catering establishments by management and staff. The orderbird POS is displayed in German, French or English, depending on the system language of the device. The currency used in the business can be selected once at the start of the app in accordance with ISO 4217. Data exchange between the Apple device and the orderbird POS takes place via secure 256-bit SSL/TLS encryption.
The software is continuously developed by orderbird at its own discretion in order to offer orderbird customers the greatest possible benefit. This service description is therefore limited to the software version at the time of publication. The present service description does not have the character of an assurance or guarantee.
1.2 Functionalities
The orderbird POS application offers the user the following functions:
1.2.1 Access and configuration
- Creation of access restrictions for different users (e.g. administrator, head waiter, waiter) with different settings and options
- Individual configuration of products (drinks and food), PLU codes, tables, prices, favorites, order processes and payment methods
- Opening and closing shifts
1.2.2 Taking and managing orders with table selection
- Creation of configurable table plans
- Defining tables and parties
- Output of catering receipts
- Aisle control to coordinate the menu sequence between kitchen and service
- Ordering different items to different printers (e.g. kitchen, grill station, bar)
- Indication of the number of guests per table
- Moving orders to other tables when changing seats
1.2.3 Billing and payment
- Billing separately according to guests, parties or per table as well as payment either by cash, EC or credit card or voucher
- Partial payment: mix of different payment methods
- Change calculator
- Cancellations
1.2.4 Reports and data
- Generate sales reports within the app with access restriction
- Synchronization of master data via the swarm function with TabSync of up to nine devices (more on request)
- Synchronization of sales data to MY orderbird via the Internet
- Device reports, x-reports, z-reports
- Tax office-compliant z-reports that meet the guidelines of the retention obligation for the tax office
- Retrieval of transaction data under "Journals" in the app
- Interfaces to predefined complementary digital applications
1.3 Services
- Initial download function using the Apple App Store
- Automatic update function using the Apple App Store
- Option to restore the initial system status at the time of delivery
- Automatic data backup in accordance with archiving obligations under tax and commercial law
1.4 Customer requirements
1.4.1 The following Apple devices can be used as hardware for the use of orderbird POS: iPad, iPod or iPhone. The compatible model of the Apple device recommended for the app may change with the release of new models.
1.4.2 orderbird POS supports the current Apple iOS operating system. The customer must update his iOS software (https://support.apple.com/de-d...) in order to be able to use the latest version of the orderbird app. The previous version of the latest orderbird POS app version is always compatible with the latest iOS main version. The manufacturer reserves the right to make the use of orderbird and MY orderbird dependent on the installation of updated versions of the access software.
1.4.3 The further developments of orderbird POS are made available in the course of updates or upgrades, which are to be installed by the Customer in order to keep the app at the highest possible version level within the scope of the aforementioned iOS versions.
1.4.4 In order to be able to use the described functions of orderbird POS, an Internet connection is required, which must be provided separately.
1.4.5 Full use of the aforementioned functions also requires at least one system-compatible printer, router and cash drawer, which can be purchased from orderbird. More on the hardware to be used under point 4 of the service description
1.5 Fees
The fees for using orderbird POS can be requested by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone on 030 208 983 098. They depend on the number of device licenses booked in conjunction with the service flat rate and optional additional services.
MY orderbird
2.1 Beschreibung
MY orderbird dient als Online-Plattform der orderbird POS zur Anwendung in gastronomischen Betrieben, um eine zentralisierte Datenanalyse, Datensicherung und Datenverwaltung zu ermöglichen, die über sichere Server in Deutschland betrieben und als Software as a Service („SaaS“) über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Die verfügbaren Funktionen sind über das individuelle MY orderbird-Konto abrufbar und abhängig von der gewählten Gerätelizenz und Servicepauschale. Der volle Funktionsumfang von MY orderbird ist zwingend von der Verbindung mit orderbird POS (verfügbar im Apple Appstore) abhängig.
MY orderbird wird abhängig von der Systemsprache des benutzten Gerätes auf Deutsch, Französisch oder Englisch angezeigt. Der Datenaustausch von dem verwendeten Gerät und MY orderbird erfolgt über eine gesicherte 256-Bit SSL/TLS-Verschlüsselung.
Die SaaS-Dienste werden durch orderbird kontinuierlich in eigenem Ermessen weiterentwickelt, um den Kunden den größtmöglichen Nutzen zu bieten. Daher beschränkt sich die vorliegende Leistungsbeschreibung auf den Servicestand zum Zeitpunkt der Herausgabe. Sie hat nicht den Charakter einer Zusicherung oder Garantie.
2.2 Funktionalitäten
MY orderbird kann von einem gastronomischen Betrieb genutzt werden und ermöglicht den Verantwortlichen folgende Verwaltungs- und Buchungsmodule zur Verwertung der betrieblichen Daten, die mittels der orderbird POS erhoben werden:
2.2.1 Rechnungsarchiv:
Rechnungen der orderbird POS werden in MY orderbird gespeichert und können über die Online-Plattform als PDF abgerufen, heruntergeladen oder per E-Mail verschickt werden.
2.2.2 Speicherung umsatzrelevanter Daten (Bewegungsdaten):
Die Endgeräte übermitteln nach einer Online-Verbindung Daten und Kennzahlen über den Gastronomiebetrieb an MY orderbird, wo sie GoBD und IDEA konform gespeichert werden. Nach automatischer Datensicherung bietet MY orderbird die Option bei Bedarf Berichte eines bestimmten Zeitraums zu erstellen.
2.2.3 Speicherung nicht umsatzrelevanter Daten (Stammdaten):
In MY orderbird werden die konfigurierten Stammdaten gespeichert und sind über die Plattform abrufbar.
2.2.4 Konsolidierung und Darstellung von Berichten:
Die verschiedenen Kassenberichte (Tagesbericht, Monatsbericht, Schichtbericht) sowie Kennzahlen werden von MY orderbird in Form von individuellen grafischen Auswertungen und einem Berichtswesen zur Verfügung gestellt.
2.2.5 Datenexport GOBD und DATEV:
GoBD und IDEA konforme Berichte können direkt aus dem System an den Kassenprüfer gesendet werden (per E-Mail). Für DATEV kompatible Datenexporte stehen ebenfalls zum Herunterladen zur Verfügung.
2.2.6 Konfiguration:
Über MY orderbird wird ein Benutzerprofil mit Zugangsdaten erstellt, welches über die Plattform konfigurierbar ist.
2.2.7 Schwarmfunktion:
Es können bis zu neun – auf individuelle Anfrage ggf. auch mehr – Endgeräte, die einem Schwarm entsprechen, mit dem Account von MY orderbird verbunden werden. Ein Schwarm ist eine Synchronisierungsfunktion mehrerer Geräte eines Gastronomiebetriebes.
2.2.8 Offene Buchungen:
Über MY orderbird ist die Darstellung offener Tische und Buchungen der laufenden Schicht möglich.
2.3 Leistungen
2.3.1 Allgemeine Leistungen
- Automatische Datensicherung entsprechend der steuerrechtlichen und handelsrechtlichen Archivierungspflicht
- Verfügbarkeit des Systems von 99,5%
- Zugriff auf Rechnungsarchiv, umsatzrelevante Daten, GOBD- und DATEV-Datenexport und Konfiguration der Benutzer- und Zugangsdaten in MY orderbird durch Buchung der Servicepauschale
2.3.2 Sicherung Datenbestände
Sofern eine Verbindung mit MY orderbird besteht, wird serverseitig ein fortlaufendes Backup ausgeführt. Das Backup sichert sowohl die umsatzrelevanten Daten (Bewegungsdaten) als auch die nicht umsatzrelevanten Daten (Stammdaten) auf dem Server in Deutschland. Finanzrechtlich relevante Daten werden für 10 Jahre aufbewahrt. Die Z-Berichte sind monatlich auszudrucken und zuverlässig zu archivieren.
2.3.3 Lizenzbuchung
Die Aktivierung der Funktionen von MY orderbird erfolgt durch den Erwerb einer Gerätelizenz als auch einer Servicepauschale. Die Buchung von Geräte- und Servicelizenzen kann per Telefon oder E-Mail erfolgen. Die Anzahl der benötigten Gerätelizenzen richtet sich nach der maximalen Anzahl an Geräten die gleichzeitig in einer Schicht arbeiten. Das Erwerben einer Gerätelizenz ist nur in Verbindung mit einer Servicepauschale möglich, die mindestens die Laufzeit der Gerätelizenz hat.
2.4 Customer requirements
2.4.1 Users of the orderbird POS system are obliged to print the Z-reports on a monthly basis and to archive them reliably.
2.4.2 The hardware required for the use of MY orderbird is a computer or a mobile device with which the Internet can be accessed.
2.4.3 MY orderbird is accessed via an Internet connection to be provided.
2.4.4 The MY orderbird platform can be accessed with the following Internet browsers: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox.
2.5 Fees
The full use of the functionalities of MY orderbird requires the purchase of the orderbird POS device license and service fee. The service fee ensures the continuous storage of POS data, reports and configurations in MY orderbird. The fees can be requested by e-mail via [email protected] or by telephone on 030 208 983 098.
3.1 Description
orderbird Support is a service offer available to orderbird customers who have purchased a service package as well as at least one device license. The service provides support for questions and problems relating to the commissioning and use of orderbird POS, MY orderbird and the hardware purchased from orderbird. In addition, the customer has the option of making use of further additional services for a fee. The maintenance period applies for the duration of the service flat rate.
3.2 Functionalities
The following maintenance functionalities are offered for the ideal use of orderbird.
- Configuration and training for the commissioning of MY orderbird, orderbird POS and hardware purchased from orderbird;
- Delivery of software updates;
- Telephone support in connection with orderbird POS:
- Hotline continuously between 9:00 and 18:00 (CET) from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays in the state of Berlin;
- 24/7 emergency hotline;
- Support requests electronically via the Internet;
- Assistance and coordination of contract processing with ConCardis;
- Correction of errors in reports, insofar as one of the functions named by orderbird has caused them.
3.3 Services
The support services depend on the type and scope of the service package. The response time of the customer service depends on the business hours, availability and categorization. The services in connection with the above-mentioned functionalities are defined in more detail below.
3.3.1 As an additional service included in the remuneration, the Manufacturer orderbird offers both a one-off set-up support as well as ongoing support in accordance with the following conditions. After conclusion of the contract, the set-up support includes the one-off configuration of the software required to operate the MY orderbird system in conjunction with the orderbird POS client software by means of remote maintenance or pre-configuration and return. The choice of the appropriate form of set-up support in individual cases is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. If required, the customer shall ensure that Internet access for setting up remote access and a WLAN-capable computer are available.
3.3.2 The following definitions apply with regard to ongoing support:
- "Support contact person" means up to three employees to be designated by name by the Customer who are exclusively authorized to report incidents to the Manufacturer;
- "Incident" means a malfunction of the SaaS solution MY orderbird described in Section 2 of this Agreement, together with the hardware and software required for its use, in particular the orderbird POS application;
- "Response Times" means the period between the receipt of the notification of an Incident by the Manufacturer and the first response to the Customer by callback, e-mail, but also the start of work to remedy the malfunction;
- "Business hours" means normal business hours, including at least core hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday; public holidays in the State of Berlin are excluded.
- "Working days" means the days Monday to Friday; public holidays in the state of Berlin are excluded.
3.3.3 Incidents are categorized as follows:
- Category 1 Incident means that the SaaS Solution described in Clause 1 has come to a standstill in live operation and is unable to process data as a result of a serious malfunction;
- Category 2 incident means a problem with the SaaS solution that results in a serious interruption of essential functions and cannot be temporarily resolved, for example by a workaround;
- Category 3 incident refers to a problem that is not critical to the basic function of the software, where the customer is still able to log in to the system and/or a workaround is possible;
- Category 4 incident refers to requests to operate the software.
3.3.4 The Manufacturer shall provide support services during business hours with the following response times, starting with the receipt of the support request:
- Category 1 support request: maximum two hours;
- Category 2 support request: maximum four hours;
- Category 3 support request: maximum ten hours;
- Category 4 support request: until the end of the next working day, i.e. Monday to Friday.
3.3.5 The Manufacturer shall provide support services outside business hours with the following response times, whereby telephone inquiries shall be given priority:
- Category 1 support request: maximum six hours;
- Category 2 support request: higher
- Category 3 and 4 support requests: by the end of the next working day, i.e. Monday to Friday.
3.3.6 The response may take the form of a message from technical staff or the rectification of the fault. The message must be sent exclusively by a support contact person to the telephone number 030 208 983 098 or to the e-mail address [email protected].
3.4 Customer requirements
- Customer of orderbird through the purchase of at least one device license
- Account with MY orderbird and mandatory service fee
- Internet access for setting up remote access and a WLAN-capable computer are required for initial commissioning
- Obligation to check the menu for completeness and correctness after it has been processed by orderbird support
3.5 Fees
The use of the support service is subject to the purchase of the device license and service fee. The support offer depends on the scope of the service flat rate. The rates can be requested at any time by telephone on 030 208 983 099 or by e-mail at [email protected].
4.1 Description
The use of orderbird requires the installation of certain hardware devices. The hardware is particularly suitable for the orderbird POS software and is specifically preconfigured. The number of devices required depends on the catering business. The following hardware is required to use the POS system and can currently be purchased from orderbird GmbH: Printer, cash drawer, router, stand, card reader, buzzer, receipt rolls, Apple hardware.
Detailed list:
- Epson TM T20 II printer
- Epson TM M30
Cash drawer
- Metapace-K2 cash drawer
- Touch cash drawer KA-330 Push
Tablet stand
- iPad stand Windfall (Mini, Pro 12.9, 2017/Air)
- orderbird iPad stand (all models)
- orderbird iPad stand horizontal (all models)
- iPad stand UpStand (Universal)
Card reader stand
- Windfall card reader holder (for Miura M10)
- Base router (TP-Link Archer C7/ TP-Link N600)
- Cable repeater (TP-Link Archer C7/ TP-Link N600)
- Wireless repeater (TP-Link Archer C7/ TP-Link N600)
Card reader
- Miura M10 card reader
- Receipt rolls 56 gr/m2 (30 pcs.)
- Receipt rolls 80 gr/m2 (50 pcs.)
- Epson buzzer (signal transmitter)
Apple hardware
- iPad 2017 32 GB Wifi Space gray
- iPad Mini 128 GB Wifi Space gray
- iPad Pro 12.9 64 GB Wifi Space gray
- iPod Touch 6th gen. 16 GB Space gray
4.2 Functionalities
The hardware completes the functional scope of the orderbird POS and the MY orderbird platform. The following functions are possible with the help of the listed hardware:
- Printing of invoice and production receipts for e.g. kitchen or bar
- Integrated card payment
- Automatic opening of the cash drawer during the payment process
- Secure holder for iPad
- Secure holder for card reader
4.3 Services
- Basic support for all hardware purchased from orderbird
- Advice and assistance with installation and commissioning
- Pre-configuration of routers
- Pre-configuration of printers
4.4 Customer requirements
- A power connection and a network connection to an orderbird router or an ISP router are required for commissioning the printer;
- The cash drawer must be connected to the printer for it to open automatically;
- The function of a basic router requires a power connection and a connection to the Internet - ideally via an ISP router;
- The basic router is required to activate the router extension;
- The connection to the iPad/iPod/iPhone via Bluetooth is used to integrate the card reader;
- The Apple hardware requires an Internet connection and a power connection to charge the battery.
4.5 Fees
The prices for the individual hardware devices can be requested by telephone on 030 208 983 098 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Last update: September 2017